Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet

Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet

Shock Sale Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet very cheapYou looking to find the "Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet" Good news! You can purchase Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet On Sale

Price: $123.00    Updated Price for Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet now
Purchase Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet low price

Product Feature

  • Gemstones may have been treated to improve their appearance or durability and may require special care.
  • The natural properties and process of amber formation define the unique beauty of each piece. The image may show slight differences in texture, color, size and shape.
  • Green hue amber is coated. Special care has to be given as moisture, heat, etc could remove the paint. Removal of the treatment would alter the appearance of the gem.
  • Imported

Product Description

The Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet displays a unique combination of amber gemstones from all over the world. Square-shaped green, honey and lemon amber pattern around a 925 sterling silver bracelet to create an exquisite piece that is a wonderful match against neutral-tone fashions. Seven inches in length, this bracelet is finished with a box-with-tongue clasp for easy on and off.

Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet Review

This bracelet is extremely disappointing. The entire product is extremely light weight. Lighter than some products you get at a dime store. Color of stones are nice. The added, "safety chain", is disgustingly cheap and oddly and cheaply fixed to the bracelet itself. Serves no real purpose on such a lightweight bracelet other than the appearance of making it seem an expensive design. Completely overpriced product at $75, would still be overpriced at $25. Definitely returning this item!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet ...

Buy Sterling Silver Multi-Color Amber Bracelet Cheap

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